Representing just over half the population of the world, Christianity (2.3 billion), Islam (1.5 billion) and Judaism (0.02 billion), can be a driving force to guide humanity towards proper management of climate change. Here is just a selection of what some of them have been saying:

Quaker 1988, How Quakers live out their testimony can be seen at:

Presbyterian first in 1990, released their Restoring Creation for Ecology and Justice; then in 2010 a Call to Restore Creation. “Creation cries out in this time of crisis” and “The church has powerful reasons for engagement in restoring God’s creation” Read it all at:

Episcopal starting 1988, but more from 1991:

Eastern Orthodox, since 1995 has held symposiums on water bodies in danger. Patriarch Bartholomew is known also as the Green Patriarch. See more at:

United Church of Christ 2007, See their resolution on climate change: and their website:

Southern Baptist 2008, “But now we have seen and heard enough to be persuaded that these issues (environmental and climate change) are among the current era’s challenges that require a unified moral voice….. The time for timidity regarding God’s creation is no more.”  Read the entire 4 statements and signatories at:

Catholic 2010, the St. Francis Pledge and more can be found at:

Pope Francis Encyclical Laudato Si, 2015 is excellent reading and can be found at:

Anglican 2011, “We note that the scriptures call humanity to a careful stewardship of creation.” Read the rest at:

Methodist 2012, “Now therefore, be it resolved, that as a global church community, we call on our members to reduce human-related outputs of greenhouse gases.”

A couple large Christian ecumenical associations  include:

National Association of Evangelicals 2011, publication on loving the least of these can be found at:, as well as Caring for God’s Creation: A Call to Action statement builds on the NAE’s Ecology 1970 resolution (, which declared that “those who thoughtlessly destroy a God-ordained balance of nature are guilty of sin against God’s creation.” Their 2015 call to action can be found at:

World Council of Churches considers climate justice and creation care central to its mandate:

 And for a sampling of what other faith communities are saying:

 Islam 2015, A document produced from this year’s International Islamic Climate Change Symposium:

Judaism 2008, The Coalition for the Environment and Jewish Life has this to say at:

Compiled by Earthkeeper member and engineer Nelson Lee